The present invention relates to devices for forming bales, preferably round bales, by winding and compacting a starting material and can be used primarily in hay-making machines, and more particularly in round balers, as a baling mechanism. Proposed is a baling mechanism for a round baler configured in the form of a plurality of individual chain mechanisms mounted parallel to one another at set increments in a transverse direction between lateral delimiters of a baling chamber such as to be capable of being actuated in a coordinated manner to form a working contour of the baling chamber. Each chain mechanism consists of a plurality of individual consecutively arranged straight working regions, each of which is configured in the form of a chain encircling two non-driven sprockets. Corresponding sprockets of corresponding regions of the parallel chain mechanisms are mounted on common shafts arranged perpendicular to the direction of movement of the chains, and the shafts of each two consecutively arranged working regions are interconnected by a pair of linking transmission devices, each of which is configured in the form of a chain encircling linking sprockets mounted in the end regions of the aforementioned shafts. The outermost shaft of one of the outermost working regions is connected by a chain transmission to a parallel drive shaft of a drive mechanism.Настоящее изобретение относится к устройствам для формирования кип в основном цилиндрической формы путем намотки и прессования исходного материала и может быть использовано, прежде всего, в сеноуборочных машинах, в частности в рулонных пресс-подборщиках в качестве механизма прессования. Предложен механизм прессования рулонного пресс-подборщика, выполненный в виде множества отдельных цепных механизмов, установленных параллельно друг другу с заданным шагом в поперечном направлении между боковыми ограничителями камеры прессования с возможностью согласованного привода с формированием рабочего контура камеры прессовани