Ethylene concentration in the atmosphere of 1~100ppm and, at a temperature (A) of 2~15 ℃, sprout suppression method of potato according to the present invention, the dirt and soil is washed with water, the potatoes were 3 to 12 months storage Taking, then drained, dried if necessary, ethylene production package is a 0.5~5mL / (g · day) in an atmosphere of RH 100% and at 20 ℃ ethylene production rates, and (B) Potato with, in the distribution vessel consist of a bag of polyolefin denoted pores, and and sealed storage after, at a temperature (C) of 2~30 ℃, 1~ the ethylene concentration of the fluid passing vessel was sealed potatoes I include that to keep 1-20 days to 100ppm. In accordance with the present invention, it is possible that during harvest and storage after, to the hands of the consumer from the distribution stage can be effectively suppressed sprouting of potatoes.本発明によるジャガイモの萌芽抑制方法は、(A)2~15℃の温度下で、かつ1~100ppmのエチレン濃度雰囲気下において、3~12ヶ月間貯蔵したジャガイモを、水洗して土と汚れを取って、水切りし、必要に応じて乾燥させ、(B)ジャガイモを、エチレン発生速度が20℃でかつ100%RHの雰囲気において0.5~5mL/(g・日)であるエチレン発生包装体と共に、細孔を付したポリオレフィンの袋からなる流通容器内に、収納後密封し、かつ、(C)2~30℃の温度下において、ジャガイモを密封した該流通容器内のエチレン濃度を1~100ppmに1~20日間維持することを含む。本発明によれば、収穫・貯蔵後、流通段階から消費者の手に渡るまでの間に、ジャガイモの萌芽を効果的に抑制することができる。