Device for reconstructing the soft palate, by a removable flexible membrane system, following a loss of substance of congenital or acquired origin and thus allow the rehabilitation of swallowing and phonation. The device according to the invention comprises a flexible membrane (5) which meshes around a piece or flat extension reproducing the loss of substance (2), the assembly being connected by extensions (7) to the existing maxillary plate or on a new plate created for the velar shutter. To maintain contact and cover the mucosal free edge of the loss of substance, a system of fasteners and hooks will maintain the membrane in the continuity of the maxillary plate, ensuring a seal and tissue continuity with the palatal mucosa (4) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12). With this device the patient can regularly change the membranes autonomously. The device according to the invention is particularly intended for patients with loss of substance of the soft palate, for which surgical rehabilitation is not possible and for whom a functional deficiency whether in the field of swallowing and phonation should be treated quickly because these losses of velar substances result in malnutrition due to lack of proper nutrition, a loss of quality of life, a gradual renunciation of care, but above all a psychological and social isolation for lack of communication and integration. Dispositif visant à reconstituer le voile du palais, par un système de membrane souple amovible, suite à une perte de substance d'origine congénitale ou acquise et ainsi permettre la réhabilitation de la déglutition et de la phonation. Le dispositif selon l'invention comporte une membrane souple (5) qui s'engrène autour d'une pièce ou extension plate reproduisant la perte de substance (2), l'ensemble étant relié par des extensions (7) à la plaque maxillaire existante ou sur une nouvelle plaque crée pour l'obturateur vélaire. Pour maintenir le contact et recouvrir le bord libre muqueux de la perte de su