This invention relates to a soybean product and its related manufacturing process, comprising 60-70 weight portions of soybean, 10-12 weight portions of Sclerotium Pararadicis Poriae Cocos, 2-3 weight portions of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. s root, 0.1-0.15 weight portions of edible agar and 250-300 weight portions of water. The said soybean product is made into a pulp form by adding water, Sclerotium Pararadicis Poriae Cocos and Dioscorea opposita Thumb. s root and then immersing in it. The edible agar is added while stirring under heat. The said soybean product is formed after cooling. This invention does not contain any coagulant in its raw materials and can maximize the retention of useful nutrients obtained from soybean. Besides, it does not contain any saturated fat and trans fats. By adding the Chinese medicine, the said soybean product is good for health, it also provides a rich soy bean flavour and can be easy to absorb by intestines.本發明係一種豆製品,其原料的重量份數比為:大豆60-70份;茯神10-12份;山藥2-3份;食用瓊脂0.1-0.15份;以及水250-300份。該豆製品係將大豆加水浸泡並連同茯神、山藥一起製漿後,在攪拌下加入食用瓊脂,並加熱攪拌,冷卻後製得的。本發明所提供的豆製品,原料中不含凝固劑,最大限度地保留了大豆豐富的營養成分,不含飽和脂肪和反式脂肪,由於加入了中藥材成分,營養豐富,具有很好的保健作用;製得的豆製品味道香濃,香滑爽口,入口即溶,且易於吸收。