1. control over creating interference fluids, which is a system for autonomous tight control flow freely or involuntarily separated urine for both sexes, as well as menstrual flow in women, liberating people from this inconvenience, to ensure a better quality of life with a greater degree of freedom in daily life, including during motion, having an additional function of washing and disinfection, consisting of a set of pieces, communicating with each other, representing Czecho , A cellular receiver, a hand pump, an appropriate combination, knee sling casing tube and klapany.2. control system creating interference fluids according to claim 1, which comprises a sealed cover, and a guide receiving liquid for removing a cellular receiver that receives water from the washing pump bodies and tubes, wherein said curved flat Case latex has a shape of a half ellipsoid facing around a principal axis to which are attached: a) a curved membrane and capacitance acting as a drainage bag at the outer side b) a cuff at the top open for receiving a penis c) a pocket for receiving the bottom of the scrotum, with fl m parts (b) and (c) are used to contain the cover after loosening the molds, while being in a mold, the two parts are arranged in the opposite direction hole in the upper part is designed for a tube, part of the case through a cap attached to said cover, wherein said tube is a cylindrical height of 5 mm and a diameter of 5 mm tube exiting from the bottom cover, a hole having a shape reverse peers1. Система контроля над создающими помехи жидкостями, представляющая собой систему для автономного герметичного управления потоком произвольно или непроизвольно отделяемой мочи для лиц обоих полов, а также менструальных выделений у женщин, освобождающая людей от данного неудобства, для обеспечения лучшего качества жизни с большей степенью свободы в повседневной жизни, в том числе при движении, обладающая дополнительной функцией промывания и дезинфекции, состоящая из набора частей,