Барабанов Дмитрий Владимирович (RU),Сафонова Наталья Николаевна (RU),Муханов Николай Вячеславович (RU),Крупин Александр Владимирович (RU),Кувшинов Валерий Владимирович (RU)
The utility model refers to agriculture, in particular to automated devices for processing udder cows before milking, and can be used to mechanize animal husbandry.The objective of the utility model is to reduce labor costs when milking cows on conveyor-ring milking plants by robotizing the operations of undermining and udder massage.To solve the task, the installation comprises a machine with an input and output doors, a system for supplying a cleaning liquid comprising a tank, a pump, a valve in series connected to the pipeline, and a three-element manipulator, which is fixed to one end with one end, and at the other end an actuating member is mounted, directly affecting the udder of the cow.The working body consists of four vertical brushes with individual electric drives, which are mounted on holders. Brushes rotate on hollow shafts with holes.Moving of the manipulator is carried out in the working area by means of the system of electric drives located in the nodes of connection of the elements.On the elements of the manipulator, along with the power cables of the electric drives, which provide the movement of the manipulator, and the electric drives of the brushes, a pipeline of washing liquid is laid.The positioning system, which includes a photo-video capture element and a computer with a control program, manages the operation of the manipulator.Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству, в частности к автоматизированным устройствам для обработки вымени коров перед доением, и может быть использована для механизации животноводства.Задача полезной модели - снижение затрат труда при доении коров на конвейерно-кольцевых доильных установках за счет роботизации операций подмыва и массажа вымени.Для решения поставленной задачи установка содержит станок с входной и выходной дверцами, систему подачи моющей жидкости, включающей бак, насос, клапан, последовательно соединенные с трубопроводом, и трехэлементный манипулятор, который одним концом крепится на стойке, а