FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to dentistry, therapeutic-prophylactic preparation for tooth and oral cavity care, and can be applied for prevention and complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of gums, parodentium, stomatitis or elimination of gingival hemorrhage. Therapeutic-prophylactic toothpaste includes glycerin, laurylglycoside, sorbitol, xylite, aerosol, calcium hydrogen phosphate, xanthane resin, sodium benzoate, CO2-extracts of thyme, sage, rosemary, white clay, green clay, red clay and water with specified content of components. For CO2-extracts of thyme, sage and rosemary fulfilled is ratio Wt/Ws/Wr=(0.40-0.50)/(0.25-0.35)/0.20-0.25), where Wt, Ws, Wr are weight parts of respectively CO2-extracts of thyme, sage and rosemary, with particles of green, white and red loam having sizes in interval 0.1-100 mcm and being obtained from clay, dried at 80-400°C.EFFECT: technical result consists in increased efficiency of prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of oral cavity, parodentium, in particular gingivitis, periodontitis, as well as increase of cleaning ability of toothpaste with simultaneous reduction of abrasive influence on tooth enamel and technical result consists in extension of arsenal or toothpastes of complex action, which render healing and preventive action on organs and tissues of oral cavity.9 clИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к стоматологии, лечебно-профилактическим средствам для ухода за зубами и полостью рта, и может быть использовано для профилактики и комплексного лечения воспалительных заболеваний десен, пародонта, стоматитов, уменьшения или устранения кровоточивости десен. Лечебно-профилактическая зубная паста включает глицерин, лаурилгликозид, сорбитол, ксилит, аэросил, дикальций фосфат, ксантановую смолу, натрия бензоат, CO2-экстракты тимьяна, шалфея, розмарина, белую глину, зеленую глину, красную глину и воду при определенном содержании компонентов. При этом для CO2-экстрактов ти