According to my research the life force appears to be human bio electricity. Humans have a potential difference across the hands or legs. Human body is a large battery and has potential difference of 0.5 volts. The cells also have a potential difference of about 70-90 millivolts. When the cells fall sick potential difference falls compared to healthy cells. When potential falls below 20 millivolts the cells die called apoptosis. When potential drops to about 30 millivolts the cells become cancerous. The dead cells have 0 potential difference. Based on the above facts I decided to make a life force meter that measures the potential difference across the hands and legs. A digital voltmeter with a range of 0-200 millivolts was made for the purpose. I measured the potential difference between both hands by putting electrolyte gelly on fingers and pressing the fingers over the pins of the meter hard. The average highest figure is about 50 millivolts. The voltage was found to be highest in the morning after getting up from the bed. It was lowest when you are tired. It is low when you go to sleep in the night. The voltage was significantly low when you fall ill. The voltage improved as your health improves. The voltage significantly dropped after sexual activity supporting the ancient knowledge of losing energy after sex and supports the lifestyle of celibacy. The voltage of a dead body was recorded as zero. Above facts suggests that the human bio electricity is probably the life force.