1. An open implant, which is an osteogenic composition containing at least:! - complex osteogenic growth factor / amphiphilic anionic polysaccharide,! - soluble salt of the cation, at least divalent, and! - organic carrier! - while the specified organic carrier does not contain demineralized bone matrix,! characterized in that it contains neither a membrane nor a shell capable of limiting or regulating exchanges with the tissues surrounding the implant, and substantially homogeneous in its structure. ! 2. The implant according to claim 1, characterized in that the carrier is formed by an organic matrix and / or a polymer forming a hydrogel. ! 3. The implant according to claim 2, characterized in that the organic matrix is a matrix formed by crosslinked hydrogels and / or collagen. ! 4. The implant according to claim 2, characterized in that the matrix is selected from matrices based on purified, sterilized, preferably cross-linked natural collagen. ! 5. The implant according to claim 2, characterized in that the polymer forming a crosslinked or non-crosslinked hydrogel is selected from the group of synthetic polymers, including ethylene glycol and lactic acid copolymers, ethylene glycol and glycolic acid copolymers, poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone), polyvinyl acids, polyacrylamides, polyacrylic acids. ! 6. The implant according to claim 2, characterized in that the polymer forming a crosslinked or non-crosslinked hydrogel is selected from the group of natural polymers, including hyaluronic acid, keratin, pullulan, pectin, dextran, cellulose and cellulose derivatives, alginic acid, xanthene, carrageenan , chitosan, chondroitin, collagen, gelatin, polylysine, fibri�1. Открытый имплантат, представляющий собой остеогенную композицию, содержащую по меньшей мере: ! - комплекс остеогенный фактор роста/амфифильный анионный полисахарид, ! - растворимую соль катиона, по меньшей мере двухвалентного, и ! - органический носитель, ! - при этом указанный органический носитель не соде