The present invention is directed to a method for use in conducting cardiac MR imaging which allows for reconstruction of T1 maps, cine images and IR-prepared images from one raw data set, wherein the method comprises the following steps: a) acquisition of raw data by use of an ECG-triggered, segmented, inversion recovery (IR) -prepared Look-Locker type pulse sequence for data acquisition, wherein the pulse sequence encompasses more than one shot, wherein each shot comprises: i) an ECG-triggered inversion pulse ii) SSFP cine data acquisition of radial segmented profiles over more than one RR-interval for a predefined acquisition duration AD and iii) a relaxation duration RD, during which no data is acquired b) retrospective gating of raw data by sorting acquired raw data for each RR-interval into a pre-determined number of heart phases by definition of specific time windows within the RR-intervals and sampling of raw data acquired during the time windows respectively c) image reconstruction, wherein the retrospectively gated raw data is used for reconstruction of T1 maps, cine images and/or IR-prepared images.