A method of reducing damage to plant propagation material and plant organs which grow at a later time by a representative of the class Nematode, which method comprises (I) treating the propagation material with (A) a chelating agent, and optionally (B) a macrocyclic lactone compound or another pesticide, before the material is sown or planted, or (II) applying (A) a chelating agent, and optionally (B) a macrocyclic lactone compound or another pesticide, to the locus of the material or the treated material defined in (I) before its planting, and/or at its planting and/or during its growth.一種減少植物繁殖物質和在後來生長之植物器官被線蟲綱的代表損害之方法,該方法包含(i)在繁殖物質播種或種植之前,以(A)螯合劑,和視需要選擇地(B)巨環內酯化合物或其他除害劑處理繁殖物質,或(ii)在其種植之前及/或在其種植時及/或在其生長期間將(A)螯合劑,和視需要選擇地(B)巨環內酯化合物或其他除害劑施用到該物質或(i)中所定義的經處理之物質之位置。