The invention relates to medicine, in particular to reflexotherapy and can be used for producing long-term acupuncture action on a patient body. The inventive method for prolonged acupuncture treatment consists in determining acupuncture loci, in selecting the needle input and output points, in passing the needle through the selected needle input and output points, in keeping both needle ends outside the patients skin, in securing the needle in this position by means of locks mounted on the needle ends and, after finishing the acupuncture session, leaving the needle in the patients body for a specified time. Said method is characterised in that acusal tracts are formed in different histological layers of the patients tissue by introducing needles and the points, situated in the area of the acupuncture loci and/or reflexogenic zone and/or indifferent zone, are selected as the input and/or output points for each needle. Said invention makes it possible to non-medicamentally treat the extended range of diseases and to increase the efficiency of prolonged acupuncture. Said method is carried out by using relatively simple and inexpensive facilities and makes it possible to carry out the efficient treatment practically devoid of side effects, thereby ensuring the extended use thereof in medical practice.