A hallux valgus traction device is disclosed. The hallux valgus traction device includes a first traction unit, a second traction unit and a connection unit. The first traction unit and the second traction unit wind around a first metatarsal bone and a second metatarsal bone respectively, and the first traction unit and the second traction unit are connected to each other through the connection unit. When the connection unit is tightened, the connection unit brings the first traction unit and the second traction unit to be close to each other, so that the first metatarsal bone and the second metatarsal bone are also close to each other.本發明揭露一種拇趾外翻牽引裝置。拇趾外翻牽引裝置包含第一牽引單元、第二牽引單元及連接單元。第一牽引單元與第二牽引單元分別環繞第一蹠骨與第二蹠骨,並且第一牽引單元與第二牽引單元係透過連接單元彼此相連接。當連接單元被拉緊時,連接單元帶動第一牽引單元與第二牽引單元彼此靠近,致使第一蹠骨與第二蹠骨亦彼此靠近。