A casket (10) comprises a shell (12) having a pair of opposed side walls (34)and a pair of opposed end walls (36), the walls defining an upper edge (34a,36a) of the shell (12), a lid (14) closeable upon the edge of the shell (12)and a cover (32) securable to the shell (12) and concealing the edge (34a,36a) when the lid (14) is open, the cover (32) being at least semi-rigid. Thecover (32) preferably conceals only the edge (34a, 36a) of the shell (12). Thecasket (10) can be fabricated of either wood or metal. If metal, the shelledge (34a, 36a) can carry a rubber gasket for sealing between the shell (12)and the lid (10), the cover (32) concealing the gasket. The cover (32) can befabricated from a plastic, cardboard, wood or metal. If plastic, the cover(32) can be molded or extruded. If cardboard, the cover (32) can be coveredwith a decorative fabric, painted or printed with decorative surfaceornamentation.