Reutov Andrej Aleksandrovich (RU),Реутов Андрей Александрович (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions refers to medicine, namely to neurosurgery, and can be used for treating type I Chiari malformation in adults. That is followed by a decompression of a cranio-vertebral junction with a posterior medial approach, a soft tissue dissection, a flap formation, a subperiostal dissection of scales of the celiac and posterior C1, a resection of the vermian fossa region. Suboccipital craniotomy, posterior arc C1 resection, excised atlantooccipital membrane excision are performed. Dura mater is opened with preservation of the arachnoid meninges integrity. Auto-fascia is placed on the defect spot and fixed. Bone autograft for reconstruction of posterior cranial fossa is produced by modifying a bone flap, which implies elimination of irregularities on its surface, giving an autograft a flattened rectangular shape with rounded corners. Length of lateral opposite sides of the autograft ranges from 3.5 to 4.5 cm, the length of one of the adjacent sides ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 cm, and the other side adjoining the side has a larger radius of curvature. At the same time its lateral opposite sides have straight or concave contour. Holes are drilled on lateral sides of bone flap and/or on upper side of bone flap and laid in place of defect. Obtained autograft is fixed. Lower edge of the bone flap extends over the bone thickness relative to the initial plane. Muscle-aponeurotic layer and skin are sealed.EFFECT: group of inventions provides simplification and minimization of side effects ensured by using autografts at closing dura mater and posterior cranial fossa.15 cl, 4 dwg, 1 exГруппа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к нейрохирургии, и может быть использована для лечения мальформации Киари I типа у взрослых. Проводят декомпрессию криниовертебрального перехода с задним срединным доступом, диссекцию мягких тканей, формирование лоскута, субпериостальную диссекцию чешуи затылочной кости и задней дуги С1, резекцию области vermian fos