NILSSON, Lennart (SE),БЕКК Лукас (SE),LINDLOF, Stina (SE),ЛИНДЛЁФ Стина (SE),BACK, Lucas (SE),НИЛЬССОН Леннарт (SE),NILSSON, Lennart,БЕКК Лукас,LINDLOF, Stina,ЛИНДЛЁФ Стина,BACK, Lucas,НИЛЬССОН Леннарт
FIELD: personal usage items.SUBSTANCE: present invention provides an absorbent product in the form of panties, such as a pant diaper, sanitary panties or underpants for people with incontinence, comprising front segment (5) and rear segment (6) connected to each other in direction of longitudinally extending side seams (13, 14), and further including connecting segment (19) between the front and rear segments. Connecting segment (19) forms perineal region (19a) and holes for legs (16, 17). At least a portion of the anterior segment, the rear segment and the connecting segment consist of an elastic laminar material extending transversely along the width of the anterior, rear, and connecting segments. Elongated leg elements (27–30, 39, 40) extend along the holes for legs for at least a portion of connecting segment (19) and terminate at a distance from respective side seam (13, 14), thus leaving an area corresponding to length of periphery (p) of at least 50 mm along the corresponding hole for leg, where the elastic elements located on the legs are absent, and in which connecting segment (19) in the above-mentioned region, where the elastic elements on the legs are absent, consists of the above elastic laminar material for at least 90 % of above mentioned length of periphery (p).EFFECT: absorbent product in the form of panties, comprising an elastic laminar material is proposed.15 cl, 7 dwgНастоящее изобретение предлагает абсорбирующее изделие в форме трусов, такое как подгузник в форме трусов, гигиенические трусы или трусы для страдающих недержанием, включающее передний сегмент (5) и задний сегмент (6), присоединенные друг к другу в направлении продольно проходящих боковых швов (13, 14), и дополнительно включающее соединительный сегмент (19) между передним и задним сегментами. Соединительный сегмент (19) образует промежностную область (19a) и предназначенные для ног отверстия (16, 17). По меньшей мере часть переднего сегмента, задний сегмент и соединительный сегмент