Канюков Владимир Николаевич (RU),Трубина Ольга Михайловна (RU),Олейник Дмитрий Вячеславович (RU)
The useful model refers to the field of medicine, namely to ophthalmology and can be used in experimental studies to develop methods and techniques for surgical treatment of the pathology of the human organ of vision.In surgical interventions in the eyes of rabbits for the removal of the third rudimentary century located at the inner corner of the eye gap, the eyeliner is used either by the surgeon himself or by the assistant, which limits the surgeons actions, in manipulation and leads to an increase in the duration of the operation.In addition, there is a risk of damage to the lobe of the eyelid by the tissues of the circular eye muscle and, accordingly, intra- and postoperative complications.These problems can be eliminated with the help of the claimed wire spring extensor, which allows you to simultaneously record three centuries of rabbit.The eyelash extender is distinguished by the fact that the ends of its jaws, on which the wire supports are placed, are connected by an arc, in the middle of which there is an analogous support of a smaller size.With the combined bransha this pedicle is planted under the rudimentary eyelid and is taken away under the medial ligament of the eyelids. With the dilution of the shank, the lateral supports lead to the upper and lower eyelids under the edges of the orbit and when the eyelid extends to the initial state, the three eyelids of the rabbits eye are simultaneously fixed.The design of the claimed eyelash extender, softness and elasticity of the material excludes trauma to the circular muscle and possible complications.Полезная модель относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии и может применяться в экспериментальных исследованиях для разработки способов и методик хирургического лечения патологии органа зрения человека.При оперативных вмешательствах на глазах кроликов для отведения третьего рудиментного века, расположенного у внутреннего угла глазной щели, используется векоподъемник либо самим хирургом, либо ассис