antimicrobial formulation. The invention relates to an antimicrobial composition for treating animal feed comprising: from 1 to 90% by weight based on a total weight of an organic acid of from 1 to 90% by weight from 1 to 90% by weight. , based on the total weight of trans-2-hexenal, provided that it constitutes at least 5% of the mixture of organic acid and aldehyde, from 0 to 50% by weight1 based on the total weight of thermpenes, from 0 to 20%, based on the total weight of a surfactant and water.ormulação antimicrobiana. a invenção refere-se a uma composição antimicrobiana para tratar ração animal, compreendendo: de 1 a 90% em peso, com base no peso total, de um ácido orgânico c~ 1~ a c~ 24~, de 1 a 90% em peso, com base no peso total, de trans-2-hexenal, desde que constitua pelo menos 5% da mistura de ácido orgânico e aldeído, de 0 a 50% em peso1com base no peso total, de termpenos, de 0 a 20%, com base no peso total, de um surfactante e água.