The present invention relates to a knee-joint treatment apparatus using high frequency, wherein high-frequency and ultrasound generating devices are attached as circular pads, the knee in a measurement site is placed in a circular treatment-effecting device, and a start button is pushed on a control panel, whereupon the pads are induced inwards by means of drive motors, which are provided on the insides of the pads, so as to match the thickness of the site to be treated, and thus the medically affected area is enveloped at an appropriate pressure and the medically affected area is stimulated by means of high-frequency and ultrasound in order to effect a treatment. The knee-joint treatment apparatus using high frequency of the present invention is more effective than existing poultices in that it can easily be used by anyone without special training, it eliminates waste in the blood due to the frequency generated during treatment, it has an effect whereby cells are regenerated, and heat is generated from the inside of the knee such that warming occurs as a frequency of at least 500,000 times penetrates the knee during treatment.本発明は、高周波を利用した関節治療機に関するものであり、高周波および超音波発生装置をパッド型の円形で装着し、測定部位である膝を円形の治療発生装置に入れて制御板で開始ボタンを押せば、パッドが内側に設置された駆動モーターによって治療部位の太さに合うようにパッドを内側に誘導して適切な圧力で患部を覆い被せて高周波および超音波が患部を刺激して治療するためのものである。本発明の高周波を利用した膝関節治療機は、別途の教育なしに手軽に誰でも使用が可能であり、治療時に発生する周波数によって血液中の老廃物を除去し、細胞を再生させる効果と治療時に50万回以上の周波数が膝へ浸透して膝の中から熱が発生して暖かくさせることによって既存の湿布より効果的である。【選択図】図1