A method of with full soya bean or soya bean protein to make vegetarian diet bonito stick, including a soya bean coagulum being made in full soya bean; The soya bean coagulum or soya bean protein and ingredients are mixed to form a mixture; The mixture and water are imported an extruder to squeeze to form a fluid to advance to a die head of the extruder; The fluid what extruder is segmented formula heating when advancing; The die head of the what extruder obtains the plain meat that a water content is about 30-60 weight %; And the dry element meat of the universe to its water content is reduced to about 15 weight %.一種以全黃豆或黃豆蛋白來製作素食柴魚的方法,包括將全黃豆製成一黃豆凝固物;將該黃豆凝固物或黃豆蛋白與配料均勻混合以形成一混合物;將該混合物與水導入一押出機進行擠壓以形成一向該押出機的一模頭前進的流體;該流體於該押出機前進時被分段式加熱;於該押出機的模頭獲得一水份含量為約30-60重量%的素肉;及乾燥該素肉至其水份含量降為約15重量%。