As for the medical equipment, it can include one which is installed in the equipment whose it is possible to make the access instrument of the pipe which is installed in the system and the system outside the blood vessel, and the fluid move where the inside of the system outside the blood vessel is stagnant access port at least. The method of removing the fluid where the inside of the system outside the blood vessel is stagnant includes the fact that the system outside the blood vessel is offered, offers the blood vessel access instrument which has possessed the access port, through the access port, installs the equipment in the system, accesses the access port with the separate blood vessel access instrument, makes the fluid move where the inside of the system outside the blood vessel is stagnant.医療機器は、血管外システム、システムに取り付けられた導管のアクセス器具、及び血管外システム内の停滞した流体を移動させることが可能な機器に取り付けられた少なくとも1つのアクセスポートを含み得る。血管外システム内の停滞した流体を取り除く方法は、血管外システムを提供することを含み、アクセスポートを有している血管アクセス器具を提供し、機器をアクセスポートを介してシステムに取り付け、別個の血管アクセス器具でアクセスポートにアクセスし、血管外システム内の停滞した流体を移動させる。