The oral dosage forms are the most popular way of taking medication despite having some disadvantages like slow absorption and thus onset of action is prolong. This can be overcome by administrating the drug in liquid from but, many APIs have limited level of stability in liquid form. So, Effervescent Tablets acts as an alternative dosage form. The tablet is added into a glass of water just before administration and the drug solution or dispersion is to be drunk immediately. The tablet is quickly broken apart by internal liberation of C02 in water due to interaction between citric acid with alkali metal carbonates or bicarbonates in presence of water. Due to liberation in C02 gas, the dissolution of API in water as well as taste masking effect is enhanced. The advantages of effervescent tablets compared with other oral dosage forms includes an opportunity for formulator to improve taste, a more gentle action on patient"s stomach and marketing aspects. In present work an attempt has been made to formulate an effervescent tablet containing immediate release of paracetamol using various acids and bases. In present work we are used different acids and bases in different concentration. In the preformulation study, compatibility evaluation was performed which implies that drug acids, bases and other excipients are compatible with each other. The formulation of tablets was done by using wet granulation as well as dry granulation in that technique wet granulation which was found acceptable. The total nine placebo tablets were prepared and evaluated for hardness, disintegration time, weight variation and solubility.