FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: cardiac tachographs are analyzed with the determination of heart rate characteristics and selection of one of the three types of cardiotachograms corresponding to the fetal conditions: normal, suspicious and pathological. In this case, the evaluation is carried out in the second trimester of pregnancy in terms of: short-term heart rate variability, long-term heart rate variability, high variability episodes, low variability episodes, and deceleration episodes. The criterion for the normal type of fetal cardiotachogram is simultaneous achievement of the following normal values of the indices: short-term heart rate variability - at least 3.5 ms, long-term heart rate variability - at least 37 ms, high variability episodes - more than 5 min, low variability episodes - no more than 4 min, deceleration episodes - no more than 3. The criterion for the suspicious type of fetal cardiotachogram is a deviation of at least one of the indicators: high variability episodes, low variability episodes, and deceleration episodes from the normal value. The criterion for the pathological type of cardiotachogram is detection of at least one of the following conditions: deviation from normal short-term heart rate variability deviation from normal long-term heart rate variability simultaneously, high variability episodes are less than 5 minutes, low variability episodes are more than 5 minutes, deceleration episodes are more than 3 minutes at the same time, high variability episodes amount to 0, low variability episodes are more than 5 minutes, and deceleration episodes are more than 3 minutes.EFFECT: method allows to predict and reveal fetal pathologies associated with placental insufficiency in the second trimester of pregnancy with high accuracy.30 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к акушерству. Выполняют кардиотахографию. Осуществляют анализ полученных кардиотахограмм с определением характеристик частоты сердечного сокращения и выделением одного и