This Chong makees Ti Gong mono- Seed folding Tam framves, The folding Tam frame As Soft Cai Quality, including the portions Zhu Body on a substrate Layer and position what substrate Layer, wherein, mono- Ju Xing structures of The substrate Layer As, the Two Side Fen Do Let that The Zhu Body Bu The Let set the portions what substrate Layer Zhong Inter, From Zhu Body are equipped with several Right Said Shu Tied TapesAnd having several Ge handles in the Two Side The Let of substrate Layer, lower end Wei The Let have lower limb Shu Tied structures. This Chong makees to utilize Soft Cai Quality, can be convenient and folds, and have the function of Ban ?Time energy Will Injury persons Steady it is solid.本創作提供一種收合式擔架,該收合式擔架為軟性材質,包括一基底層及位於基底層上的主體部,其中,該基底層為一矩形結構,該主體部則設置於基底層的中間,從主體部的兩側分別設置有若干對稱的束縛帶;而在基底層的兩側則設有若干個握把,下端部位則設有下肢的束縛結構。本創作利用軟性材質,可以方便收合,且具有在搬運時能將傷者穩固的作用。