An apparatus for optimizing apatient's insulin dosage regimen over time,comprising: at least a first computer-readablememory for storing data inputs correspondingat least to one or more components in a patient'spresent insulin dosage regimen and thepatient's blood- glucose-level measurementsdetermined at a plurality of times; a processoroperatively connected to the at least firstcomputer-readable memory, the processorprogrammed at least to determine from thedata inputs corresponding to the patient'sblood-glucose-level measurements determinedat a plurality of times whether and byhow much to vary at least one of the one ormore components of the patient's presentinsulin dosage regimen in order to maintain thepatient's future blood-glucose-level measurementswithin a predefined range; and a displayoperative to display information correspondingto at least the patient's present insulindosage regimen.