And methods of delivery device for conveying percutaneously to the patients heart valve prosthesis. Prosthetic valve These may be configured aortic valve, mitral valve, pulmonary valve, and in the heart valves of nature such as the tricuspid valve, and / or to provide a complementary function to promote the optimal replacement of the prosthetic valve. Delivery device includes (154) release sheath assembly stored in the (52) within the outer guide sheath. Were captured in the conveyance instrument part of the prosthetic valve (32), in the retraction of the outer sheath, the sheath release components of the assembly, to achieve the full release of the prosthetic valve. [Selection Figure] Figure 1A人工弁を患者の心臓に経皮的に搬送するための搬送器具および方法。これらの人工弁は、大動脈弁、僧帽弁、肺動脈弁、および/または三尖弁などの自然の心臓弁において、人工弁の最適置換を促進する補完的機能を提供するように構成され得る。搬送器具は、外側搬送シース(52)内に格納された解放シース(154)組立体を含む。その組立体の解放シース構成部品は、人工弁(32)の一部を搬送器具に捕捉し、外側シースの引き込みで、人工弁の完全解放を達成する。【選択図】図1A