The present invention relates to the production of an improved traditional anti-inflammatory plant medicament in the form of a 100% natural syrup based on five medicinal plants harvested in the Rissani-Errachidia region (south-east of Morocco). This plant medicament is obtained by cold aqueous maceration of five plants (Rosmarinus officinalis L., Phoenix dactylifera L., Artemisia herba-alba Asso, Mentha pulegium L., Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.) carefully selected on the basis of ethnopharmacological surveys in the abovementioned region, and formulated in the form of a syrup. Firstly, the aqueous macerate of the plants selected, at a dose of l g/kg of body weight (b.w.) of the Wistar rat, is evaluated orally the percentage inhibition of the inflammation is about 82.98%, in comparison with indomethacin 61.7%, 5 hours after induction of inflammation with 0.5% carragenin. The anti-inflammatory capacity of the syrup formulated at l g/kg b.w. was also evaluated orally in Wistar rats. A considerable anti-inflammatory capacity of about 84.04%, in comparison with indomethacin, 5 hours after induction of inflammation, was noted. This syrup is a 100% natural anti-inflammatory which is more powerful than indomethacin it is produced from plants used for recognized traditional purposes. In this respect, it contributes to improving quality of life and to well-being in the case of inflammation.La présente invention, concerne lélaboration dun phytomédicament anti- inflammatoire traditionnel amélioré sous forme de sirop 100% naturel à base de cinq plantes médicinales récoltées dans la région de Rissani-Errachidia (Sud-est du Maroc). Ce phytomédicament est obtenu par macération aqueuse à froid de cinq plantes (Rosmarinus officinalis L., Phoenix dactylifera L., Artemisia herba-alba Asso, Mentha pulegium L., Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.) sélectionnées soigneusement à la base denquêtes ethnopharmacologiques dans la région susmentionnée, et formulées sous forme de sirop. Dans un premier temps, le