Сахно Николай Владимирович (RU),Ватников Юрий Анатольевич (RU),Сахно Ольга Николаевна (RU),Туткышбай Ибрагим Аскарович (KZ)
The invention relates to a veterinary surgery, namely, to support surgical instruments. The most effective use of the wound hook gear during widening of the wound edges and fixing for the convenience of quick access.The objective of the proposed solution is to increase the non-invasive wound hook gear, its organic and manageability.The task is achieved thanks to the fact that the known wound hook gear comprising a carcass knob with a through longitudinal bore connected to the retaining ring with a through round hole, while on the other hand the fixation of the ring formed rod operating element consisting of bent teeth, according to the utility model , the free ends of the teeth are configured for atraumatic drop-shaped thickenings their reliance on soft tissue, and the rod operating element is formed with a supporting platform for the forefinger th finger.Proposed wound toothed hook allows to: improve the manageability of the auxiliary tool reduce tension modes of Operating personnel reduce the time required for the operation achieve a faster and more secure premises of the free end of the teeth into the operating cavity avoid undue tissue injury of the operated animal.When using the proposed wound hook gear marked a rapid and safe placement of the free end of the teeth into the operating cavity and fixation of the wound edges, that in at least observed when working with known wound hook gear. This greatly improves the user experience with auxiliary surgical instruments and improves the security of working with them.Полезная модель относится к ветеринарной хирургии, а именно, к вспомогательным хирургическим инструментам. Наиболее эффективно применение раневого крючка зубчатого при раздвигании и фиксации краев раны для удобства оперативного доступа.Задачей предлагаемого решения является повышение атравматичности раневого крючка зубчатого, его органичности и управляемости.Поставленная задача достигается благодаря тому, что известный раневой крючок зубчатый, содержащий