To provide a production method of a fish processed product which allows cooking without thawing and without causing fishy smell.SOLUTION: There is provided a production method of a fish processed product configured so that: a live fish is left as it is in clean water so as to remove metabolism waste products in a body of the live fish; the live fish is cut and is left as it is in the clean water until fishy smell is eliminated and for draining blood from the live fish; then the live fish for which blood draining has been performed and from which fishy smell has been eliminated is acquired as a good in process, to the good in process, washing is performed by clean water, then squame, gills, and viscera in the washed good in process are removed; then the good in process from which squame, gills, and viscera have been removed is rapidly frozen; then the good in process which is frozen rapidly is cut into a plurality of pieces for acquiring a plurality of processed products; and after the processed products are put into a packaging bag, the packaging bag storing the processed products is vacuum packaged.SELECTED DRAWING: Figure 2【課題】 生臭さがなく、且つ解凍せずに調理することができる水産加工品の製造方法を提供する。【解決手段】 水産加工品の製造方法であって、活魚の体内にある代謝老廃物を除去するよう、活魚を清浄水において放置し、活魚を切って、清浄水において生臭さが消えるまで放置して血抜きを行い、血抜きが終わって生臭さが消えた活魚を仕掛け品として得、仕掛け品に対して、清浄水を用いて洗浄を行い、洗浄された仕掛け品にある鱗と鰓と内臓を取り除き、鱗と鰓と内臓が取り除かれた仕掛け品を急速冷凍し、急速冷凍された仕掛け品を複数に切断して、複数の加工済み品として得、加工済み品を包装袋に入れてから、加工済み品が入れられた包装袋を真空包装する。【選択図】図2