HIGH-PRECISION BUNDLE-TYING MACHINE and TYING PROCESS which includes a roller (6), which pulls the first end of the rope (4) when rotating, rolling it around the roller itself at least, one needle (8) that moves vertically to be threaded through the rope (4), a cutting mechanism (7) which cuts the rope when it reaches the necessary length, and a tying group, consisting of a hydraulic motor (11), a locking clamp (12) and a tying double hook (14) which, by means of a hydraulic cylinder (10), moves to fasten both ends of the rope and turn them to make a knot using such ends. The clamp (12) has two articulated claws (13), operated through pneumatic bottles (17). The roller (6) has a main tube (18) which has an outer square tube on its side (21) and another inner tube (22) which shows both notches (23).