Invention herewith described refers to the medicinal plant composition for the kidneys and urinary tract, and prevention of kidney stones and belongs to the field of pharmaceutical compositions and preparations (fito preparations), namely the medicinal products in the form of the herbal tea mixtures, capsules and liquid preparations for oral use based on plant raw materials of the following plant species: horsetail (Equisetum arvense), goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea), white willow (Salix alba), birch (Betula pendula and Betula verrucosa), common juniper (Janiperus communis), spiny rest harrow (Ononis spinosa), Chinese lantern (Physalis alkekengi), oleoresins (balsams) of black and white pine and silver fir (Pinus nigra, Pinus strobus and Abies alba), Indian frankincense (Boswellia serrata), barberry (Berberis vulgaris) and butterbur (Petasites hybridus) intended for maintenance of physiological functions of the kidneys and the urinary tract and prevention of kidney stones.Predmetni pronalazak pripada oblasti farmaceutskih kompozicija i preparata (fitopreparata), odnosno medicinskih proizvoda u obliku čajne mešavine, kapsula i tečnih preparata za oralnu primenu na bazi biljnih sirovina sledećih biljnih vrsta: rastavić (Equisetum arvense), zlatnica (Solidago virgaurea), bela vrba (Salix alba), breza (Betula pendula i Betula verrucosa), kleka (Juniperus communis), zečji trn (Ononis spinosa), ljoskavac (Physalis alkekengi), oleorezine (balzami) crnog i belog bora i jele (Pinus sp. i Abies alba), tamjan (Boswellia serrata), žutika (Berberis vulgaris) i lopuh (Petasites hybridus) namenjenih održavanju fizioloških funkcija bubrega i mokraćnih puteva i sprečavanju nastanka bubrežnog kamena.