The invention relates to chemical and pharmaceutical industry, in particular, to the medicinal products and medications in the form of intra-articular and intradermal solutions and gels, and can be applied in Orthopedics, Traumatology, Arthrology, Reumatology and Vertebrology as an agent for protection of the cartilages and restoration of fluid balance in the synovial cavity and also in Dermatology, Medical Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery to delay skin ageing.The medicinal agent contains hyaluronic acid, sodium succinate, succinic acid, sodium chloride, sterile water, with following ratio of ingredients, in g/l:hyaluronic acid 0.5-60.0sodium succinate 1.0-40.0succinic acid0.001-10.0 sodium chloride 1.0-10.0sterile waterup to 1 litre.Complex approach to restoration of the synovial balance within the cavity of the joint was implemented, achieved via the substitutive action of the hyaluronic acid and activation of metabolic processes within the cartilage and a powerful cartilage protection. The above phenomena determine the high clinical efficacy of the medicinal agent, achieved in the treatment of locomotor apparatus.High efficacy was achieved in terms of cell rejuvenation, restoration of resilience and elasticity of skin, improvement of facial tone, colour and texture, elimination of the symptoms of ageing and fatigue.