The purpose of the present invention is the production of recombinant virus through the cloning and expression of sequences of coding nucleotides of the whole or part of heterolog proteins, through the following method: (a) modification of the heterolog nucleotides sequences in such way they when cloned and expressed in the vector virus, the present in the 5′ region nucleotides present in the 5′ edge of the gene NS1 of this vector virus or of other virus or equivalent functional sequences, and in its 3′ region, the correspondent genome region in the whole or part of the spheres of the steam and anchor of the protein E of this vector virus or equivalent functional sequences, and not comprising the structure and the replication of the mention vector virus; (b) insertion of the modified heterolog sequences in (a) in the intergene region at the structural protein E level and of nonstructural NS1 vector virus; (c) obtention of the non pathogenic recombinant virus and owner of the immunologic properties, having the heterolog sequences integrated in the viral genome according to the insertion described in (b) and, like that, expressing the heterolog antigene in such way that it can induce an appropriate immune response. The present invention is also addressed to vaccine compositions to immune against the Flavivirus and/or other pathogens.