Being the device for fuel and light disassembly, it is connected by power source and it is arranged in regard to the incoherent illuminant and this illuminant which turn on electricity by power source in order the light which is given out from the illuminant, the open part which is formed to the housing facing toward the skin, by way of to lead it has with the reflector which conforms, this housing encircles the illuminant and the reflector at least, partly faces from the illuminant to the skin and this light which is given out, wave length approximately 350 1200nm, duration approximately 20 500 sec, and includes the flash of incoherent light of energy fluence approximately 2 6J/cm2.光熱分解のための装置であって、電源に接続され電源によって通電されるインコヒーレント光源と、この光源に関して配置され、光源から発する光を、皮膚に向かって、ハウジングに形成される開口部を経由して導くよう適合された反射器とを備え、このハウジングは、光源および反射器を少なくとも部分的に包囲し、光源から皮膚へ向かって発するこの光は、波長約350-1200nm、持続時間約20-500μsec、およびエネルギフルエンス約2-6J/cm2のインコヒーレント光のフラッシュを含む。