Anesthesia apparatus delivers anesthesia through flexible tubes in the patient-circuit. The tubes attach to inhalation and exhalation connectors on the CO2 absorber.A breath enters the tubing of the circuit, passes through a directional valve, through a pressure limiting-valve, and inflates a reservoir bag. The reservoir bag deflates on inhalation, and diffuses through the absorber. The CO2 depleted breath mixes with gas entering the circuit from the anesthesia apparatus, and enters the inhalation tube, thus returning to the patientThis method of excluding the absorber entails a diverting valve, shunt tube, and a junction to the opposite limb of the circuit. The reservoir bag can be located at various sites and isolated as required during normal operation.Whenever components (diverting valve, reservoir bag, APL valve and junction), of the patient-circuit are excluded they can be included in the shunted circuit as needed.Cooling means and automatic actuation are options.