Харламова Надежда Сергеевна (RU),Харламов Сергей Сергеевич (RU)
The invention relates to medical engineering, more specifically to the class of medical devices that use the interaction of electromagnetic radiation (in particular optical wavelength band) with the human and / or animal in physiotherapy, as well as to a device for physiotherapy combined effects on humans by means of massage in combination with optical radiation, including selective and mixed. Apparatus for phototherapy and massage the lower limbs is designed as a pair of slippers, each of which comprises a rechargeable battery, a control unit and orthopedic platform shaped foot with a built therein a radiation source, which is a uniformly distributed over the entire area of the light-emitting diodes of red platform, green, blue colors and near infrared radiation. To provide a massage function and the increase of the penetration depth of optical radiation directed to the surface of the slipper foot is in the form of an optically transparent relief representing a hemisphere, distributed over the surface and projecting above it by 2-3 mm. The technical result in the achievement of which the claimed solution is to expand the therapeutic capabilities of the device and to improve the efficiency of its use for the treatment at rest and during motion, which is achieved by creating a combined effect on the pathological center or biologically active zones several physical factors, such as the optical radiation in the visible and infrared ranges and massage as well as by increasing the penetration depth of optical radiation.