The disclosure relates to a method of providing a substrate with an antimicrobial surface, the method comprising mechanically abrading a substrate having an outer thermally sprayed metal coat having surface cavities, wherein the metal coat has a polymer film formed thereon, to reduce the depth of the cavities and, when said film is present, produce an exposed abraded metal surface in regions intermediate the cavities, and wherein the metal comprises a metal selected from the group consisting of copper, alloys of copper, silver and its alloys, zinc, tin, stainless steel and any combination thereof. The preparation of the substrate having a thermally sprayed metal coat comprises: (a) providing a source of a jet of molten metal particles having an average temperature within a predetermined range, an average velocity within a predetermined range; and (b) directing said jet of molten metal particles at a surface of the substrate thereby depositing a metal coat on the substrate surface, said source being spaced from the substrate a pre-determined distance, and said average velocity and said average temperature being selected for a given metal such that the temperature of the molten metal particles is very close to the melting point of the metal as the molten droplets coat the surface of the substrate, wherein the substrate preferably is an organic substrate selected from wood, wood and polymer composites, and polymer substrates. The texture of the surface which has exposed metal e.g., copper or copper alloy contributes to the antimicrobial properties. Cavities or depressions in the surface can be coated or partially coated with an organic polymer, and the polymer can contain antimicrobial agents.