The invention is a new inflatable bed edge protector comprising two upper (51) and lower (S2) external plane sheets sealed along their perimeter edges and connected to each other through internal parallel plane elements, substantially orthogonal to said external sheets, serving as tie elements (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), sealed on the internal surfaces of the upper (SI) and lower (52) external plane sheets and suited to shape said bed edge protector with a series of undulations positioned side by side. Said plane elements serving as tie elements (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) feature different heights (L) in such a way that said bed edge protector assumes the shape of a wedge. It comprises at least one pair of strap elements, in Velcro® or an analogous material (R1, R2, R3, R4), positioned in the upper area of said bed edge protector so that it can be rolled up on the upper part of the bed edge and fixed to it. It comprises a valve (G) for the inflation of the bed edge protector itself.