A fluid delivery device includes a fluid pushing module and a fluid module is provided. The fluid pushing module includes an actuator, a toggling element, the first transmission unit, the second transmission unit and a screw rod. The actuator controls the strength and the frequency of the magnetic fields. The toggling element disposed corresponding to the actuator, and disposed in the magnetic fields. The toggling element toggles backwardly and forwardly by inducting changes of the magnetic fields. The first transmission unit disposed corresponding to the toggling element, and rotating while the toggling element is toggling. The second transmission unit disposed in parallel with the first transmission unit, and rotated by the first transmission unit. The screw rod disposed through the second transmission unit, and a plunger is disposed at one end of the screw rod. The fluid module includes a fluid reservoir and a fluid delivery element.本發明提供一種流體輸送裝置,包括一流體推送模組以及一流體流通模組。流體推送模組包括一致動件、一撥動件、一第一傳動單元、一第二傳動單元以及一螺桿。致動件用以控制磁場的強度及頻率;撥動件與致動件對應設置且位於磁場範圍內,撥動件感應磁場的變化而作往復運動。第一傳動單元與撥動件對應設置,受撥動件作往復運動的帶動作轉動運動。第二傳動單元與第一傳動單元平行設置,受第一傳動單元作轉動運動,以嚙合傳動作轉動運動。螺桿穿設於第二傳動單元,螺桿的一端設有一推液件。流體流通模組包括一儲液腔室以及一輸液件。1‧‧‧流體推送模組11‧‧‧致動件12‧‧‧撥動件13‧‧‧第一傳動單元131、132‧‧‧第一齒輪14‧‧‧第二傳動單元141‧‧‧第二齒輪15‧‧‧螺桿2‧‧‧流體流通模組21‧‧‧儲液腔室22‧‧‧輸液件221‧‧‧中空導管222‧‧‧輸出部3‧‧‧控制單元31‧‧‧按鍵D1‧‧‧流體輸送裝置P‧‧‧推液件