An intracardiac defibrillation catheter system used for defibrillation by applying direct voltage synchronously with R waves of an electrocardiogram only when extrasystole and other unusual situations do not occur is provided. The intracardiac defibrillation catheter system is provided with a defibrillation catheter, a power source device, and an electrocardiograph. The power source device is provided with: a DC power source unit (71); an external switch (74) of an energy applying switch 744; and an arithmetic processing unit (75) which controls the DC power source unit. The arithmetic processing unit controls the DC power source unit in the following manner that: events deducing that the electrocardiogram input by the electrocardiograph is an R wave is sensed gradually, and when the polarity of the sensed event (Vn) after the input of the energy applying switch, the polarity of the former sensed event (Vn-1) and the polarity of the antepenultimate event (Vn-2) accord, direct voltage is applied to a number 1 DC electrode group (31G) and a number 2 DC electrode group (32G) synchronously with the event (Vn).本發明提供一種僅在期外收縮等異狀未發生時與心電圖的R波同步地施加直流電壓來進行除顫的心腔內除顫導管系統。該心腔內除顫導管系統具備除顫導管、電源裝置以及心電計,電源裝置具備DC電源部(71)、包括能量施加開關744的外部開關(74)、控制DC電源部的運算處理部(75),運算處理部以如下的方式控制DC電源部,即:逐次感測根據從心電計輸入的心電圖推斷為R波的事件,並在能量施加開關的輸入後被感測到的事件(Vn)的極性與之前一個被感測出的事件(Vn-1)的極性以及之前二個被感測出的事件(Vn-2)的極性一致時,與該事件(Vn)同步地對第一DC電極組(31G)以及第二DC電極組(32G)施加直流電壓。