The present invention relates to a composition for coating the skin whereinthe composition forms a waterproof flexible film on the skin. Preferably, theflexible film is durable and is capable of remaining adhered to the skin for 1to 3 days. The composition may include (i) one or more pigments and/or dyes,or (ii) one or more sunscreen agents or (iii) one or more therapeutic agentsfor preventing or treating disorders of the skin. The coating compositioncomprises resin and flexibilizer (platicizer). Any suitable type of natural orsynthetic resin may be used, preferably the resin is shellac or other naturalgum derivative. A suitable flexiblizer is an animal, vegetable, mineral orsynthetic oil, preferably castor oil, pine oil, rosehip oil or soya bean oilor mixture thereof. The composition optionally includes a diluent such asethanol, a cellulosic preparation such as ethyl cellulose, an anti-agglomerating or dispersing agent and a thickener. The composition may be inthe form of a paste, cream, gel, liquid or aerosol and may be used as abandage or artificial skin.