PURPOSE: A magic belt is provided to improve diet and defecation effects by continuously applying pressure to the belly of a user.CONSTITUTION: A magic belt is constituted as follows. The magic belt is manufactured by overlapping male and female Velcro tapes in the center of the belt and connecting the male and female Velcro tapes by punching two eyelets on the tapes. A buckle is inserted into both ends(3) of the belt and two eyelets are punched.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012폭이 50mm 되는 벨크로 테이프를 사용하여 벨트의 중앙에서 벨크로 테이프의 암 수를 20mm 겹쳐 이어서 아일렛을 두개 펀칭해서 박는 방식으로 연결하고 벨트의 양끝을 끝부분에서부터 각각 20mm 겹치게 하여 폭 50mm짜리 버클을 삽입하고 아일렛을 두개 펀칭하는 방식으로 부착하여 제작한 벨트.