FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions refers to medicine. A method for providing a patients interface adjustment feedback to an individual is implemented by a system for supplying a pressurised breathable gas flow to the individuals airway. That is combined with generating the breathable gas flow to be delivered into the patients airway through the patients contour and interface being in contact with the individuals face. The breathable gas flow is generated by a pressure generator integrated into the body. The patients interface is sealed on the individuals face by sealing generated by a contact between the patients interface and face. An output signal of a sensor functionally connected to the patients interface, which transmits the patients interface adjustment or position information is received. The user is informed by means of the users interface built into the body on the patients interface adjustment or position information transmitted by the output signal of the sensor. The users information contains: (a) identifying the physical location, wherein the sealing contact between the patients interface and the individuals face is not enough, (b) suggested adjustment for improving the sealing contact between the patients interface and the individuals face, or (c) both identifying the location, and suggested adjustment.EFFECT: using the inventions enables providing the accurate alignment and improved adjustment of the patients interface to the individuals face.15 cl, 4 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к медицине. Способ предоставления обратной связи субъекту относительно подгонки интерфейса пациента осуществляют с помощью системы предоставления находящегося под давлением потока пригодного для дыхания газа в дыхательные пути субъекта. При этом создают поток пригодного для дыхания газа для доставки в дыхательные пути субъекта через контур пациента и интерфейс пациента, который соприкасается с лицом субъекта. Поток пригодного для дыхания газа создают генератор