The invention relates to beekeeping, namely to devices for treatment beehives, and can be used for applying the antimicrobial and / or anti-parasitic and / or medicaments to the surface of cell frames hives. In particular, the proposed solution can be used for the treatment of hives acaricidal means for combating Varroa bees. An apparatus for processing hives by applying a liquid agent to the cell framework comprises a container with a means for processing hives equipped with a neck, a spring-loaded valve disposed in the housing and a porous applicator with the through hole. Thus the valve body is formed as a cylindrical sleeve mounted in the neck portion and it sealingly mating with the plate situated on the neck of the container and provided with a through opening arranged coaxially with the opening of the applicator. The spring-loaded valve is mounted on the inner surface of the sleeve, and a porous applicator is secured to the housing plate. The spring-loaded valve is configured to move from the position "closed" with sealing openings in the plate "open" position by applying pressing force to it. When this applicator is made of porous material and 40-60% in the projection onto the plane of the plate has a linear dimension corresponding to the width of the processed parts cellular framework. As means for treating means beehives used in oil-based plant oils with a content of at least 70%. Technical result is a uniform distribution of the oil layer by means sotoramok surface at its reducing unnecessary consumption and processing time. 13 s. PF-ly 1 yl.Полезная модель относится к области пчеловодства, а именно к устройствам для обработки ульев, и может быть использована для нанесения антимикробных и/или противопаразитарных и/или лекарственных средств на поверхность сотовых рамок ульев. В частности, предлагаемое решение может применяться для обработки ульев акарицидным средством для борьбы с варроатозом пчел. Устройство для обработки ульев посредством нанесения жидко