An effective model for offshore air generators is medical technology,A special furniture model. Suitable for all kinds of indoor - from bedroom,To the lobby,The hall,General Officegym. Ocean air generator is a kind of micro climate device, which is used to produce sea air in coastal areas;And the cave climate of salt and potassium mines,In a closed space. Generators produce tiny multicomponent salt aerosols for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases,Normalization of blood circulation,Endocrine and immune systems,Strengthen the cardiovascular system. In addition,Generators are used as allergens for industrial and daily clean air,A pathogenic microorganism and its saturated with negatively charged light ions.Technical achievements achievedAt sea air generators,Contains decorative case type 1 special furniture, cassette tape for placing tape board,From ancient ocean to halite silver,galita,carnival The percentage of salt brick components is not changed. magnetic tapeMade of pressed salts,It is removed by two fans regulating the air flow. Temperature and humidity control element 4 can protect the salt plate from the critical parameters of the generator entering the air. From insideThe generator shell is impregnated and filled with solid brine. The air in room 5 is collected by fans and passed through the labyrinth of compressed salt plates"A knee shape."Eliminate the occurrence of blowing device when the fan is turned off.Полезная модель генератора морского воздуха относится к медицинской технике, выполненной в виде эксклюзивных моделей мебели. Применяется в различных интерьерах – от спальных комнат, до холлов, вестибюлей, офисов, спортзалов. Генератор морского воздуха является устройством получения микроклимата и используется для искусственного создания морского воздуха прибрежных зон, а также спелеоклимата соляных калийных шахт, в замкнутых помещениях. Генератор производит мелкодисперсный многокомпонентный соляной аэрозоль и предназначен для профилакти