There is provided a system for mimicking the environmental conditions of ahabitat,comprising: an enclosure and a ventilation assembly comprising: a ventilationstripextending horizontally through a sidewall of the enclosure, the ventilationstripincluding: first and second inner channels separated by an inner fin at leastoneventilation opening for allowing communication between the interior of theenclosureand the first and second inner channels and an air fan in fluid communicationwiththe first inner channel for providing a flow of air into the first innerchannel to therebycreate a low-pressure zone over the at least one ventilation opening, therebydrawing air through the ventilation opening and into the enclosure from theexteriorof the enclosure through the second inner channel. There is also provided asystemfor mimicking the environmental conditions of a habitat, comprising: anenclosureand a vertical growing assembly including: a mounting panel and a plurality ofcells,each cell being adapted for receiving substrate for growing the at least oneorganism. There is also provide a method for training an artificial neuralnetwork tocontrol said system.