The invention relates to medicine, in particular to a combined method for treating lower extremity varicose veins dilatation.Summary of the invention consists in that a diet is prescribed without products of animal origin, rich in cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables, for one month and simultaneously is prescribed a mixture of 4…6 herbs in the form of powder, taken in equal ratios and selected depending on the concomitant diseases, namely to improve the trophism, with anti-edematous, hepatoprotective, expectorative, anti-inflammatory, cardiotonic, antiarrhythmic, antispasmodic, antihistaminic and diuretic effect, which is administered in one teaspoon 4 times a day, 20 min before meal, for 1..1.5 month, then in two weeks after administration of herbs is carried out the hirudotherapy in the regions of dilated veins and with trophic skin changes, in the regions of projection of the pancreas, liver and kidneys, also in the bioenergetic projection points of said organs in the course of vertebral column with the application of 3…5 leeches in one session, for 1…2 hours, are performed 8…12 sessions, 2 times a week, at the same time, concomitantly with the hirudotherapy depending on the concomitant comorbidities is performed the acupuncture in the meridian points of the spleen/pancreas: RP2, RP3, RP6, RP8, and/or meridian points of the liver: F2, F3, F8, and/or meridian points of the kidney: R3, R4, R6, R7, R10.Invenţia se referă la medicină, în special la o metodă combinată de tratament al bolii varicoase a membrelor inferioare.Esenţa invenţiei constă în aceea că se indică o dietă fără produse de natură animală, bogată în cereale, boboase, fructe şi legume, timp de o lună, concomitent se indică un amestec de 4…6 plante sub formă de pulbere, luate în proporţii egale şi selectate în dependenţă de patologiile concomitente, şi anume pentru îmbunătăţirea troficii, cu efect antiedemic, hepatoprotector, expectorant, antiinflamator, cardiotonic, antiaritmic, antispastic, antihis