The present invention relates to the platelet rich plasmas of the extracting method of platelet rich plasma and extraction. In particular it relates to the method for extracting platelet rich plasma from blood comprising following steps: so that the whole blood of acquisition is set what and contain in the container of anti-coagulants, mix well blood and anti-coagulants; (b) it sets the blood for being mixed with anti-coagulants in what centrifuge tube, carries out first time centrifugation, blood is made to be substantially divided into three layers; (c) top layer and most middle layer are extracted out and is transferred in new centrifuge tube, is uniformly mixed, carried out second and be centrifuged; (d) blood plasma for discarding centrifuge tube upper layer makes the blood platelet of precipitating be suspended again to get platelet rich plasma (Platelet Rich Plasma:PRP) using remaining blood plasma. The method of the present invention operating process is simple, high income, enrichment blood plasma in platelet concentration it is high.本發明涉及富血小板血漿的提取方法和提取的富血小板血漿。具體地,本發明涉及從血液中提取富血小板血漿的方法,其包括以下步驟:(a)使採集的全血置於含有抗凝劑的容器中,使血液和抗凝劑充分混勻;(b)使混有抗凝劑的血液置於離心管中,進行第一次離心,使血液基本上分成三層;(c)將最上層和大部分的中間層抽出並轉移到新的離心管中,混合均勻,進行第二次離心;(d)棄掉離心管上層的血漿,利用剩餘的血漿使沉澱的血小板重新懸浮,即得富血小板血漿(Platelet Rich Plasma:PRP)。本發明方法操作 過程簡單、收率高、富集的血漿中血小板濃度高。