A medical tape preparation which comprises asupport and, superposed on one side thereof in thefollowing order, a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer and arelease liner. The pressure-sensitive adhesive layer cancontain a large amount of an oleophilic oily matter. Thetape preparation is excellent in adhesion, cohesiveness,and stability even when no crosslinking agent is used. Thepressure-sensitive adhesive layer in the medical tapepreparation comprises a blend of two tacky polymers, whichare a tacky polymer (A) comprising a copolymer obtainedfrom 2-acetoacetoxyethyl methacrylate and other vinylmonomer(s) as constituent ingredients and a tacky polymer(B) comprising a copolymer which is obtained from aC4-10--alkyl (meth)acrylate and other vinyl monomer(s) asconstituent ingredients and is different from the tackypolymer (A).