In conventional treatment methods, not shorter necessarily not necessarily sufficient cure rate, it is a period required for healing, fistula is different depending on condition and people, may correspond well easily flexibly according to the situation of the fistula of each to provide fistula treatment novel materials can be alleviated at least one of the problems such as that can not be, to resolve further. Fistula treatment material according to the present invention is made of collagen and biodegradable fibers, I is characterized in that the collagen is maintained between the biodegradable fibers. Fistula of using a fistula treatment material according to the present invention, resulting in a living body, for example, fistula occurring during the urethra tracheoesophageal fistula, gastric fistula, anorectal fistulae, vaginal, raw occurring between the bladder and vagina By occluding the fistula caused by fistula occurring between the sites of any two of the body, it is possible to treat these fistulae. Treatment of the fistula a less invasive, by using a fistula treatment material according to the present invention can be.従来の治療方法では、治癒率が必ずしも十分ではない、治癒に要する期間が必ずしも短くない、瘻管は人や病状によって異なるので、各々の瘻管の状況に応じて柔軟に容易に十分に対応することができない等の問題の少なくとも一つを緩和し、更に解決することができる新規な瘻管治療材料を提供する。本発明に係る瘻管治療材料は、生分解性繊維とコラーゲンからできており、生分解性繊維の間にコラーゲンが保持されることを特徴とする。本発明に係る瘻管治療材料を用いて、生体内に生じる瘻管、例えば、気管食道瘻、胃皮膚瘻、肛門直腸瘻、膣と尿道の間に生じる瘻、膣と膀胱の間に生じる瘻等生体内のあらゆる二つの部位の間に生じる瘻によって生ずる瘻管を閉塞することで、これらの瘻を治療することができる。本発明に係る瘻管治療材料を用いることで、より低侵襲な瘻管の治療ができる。